メイド イン アビス(Made In Abyss)


This work is a cave exploration anime. The characters in this animation are cute anyway. However, the story is quite the opposite, with many brutal depictions. Therefore, people with weak hearts should not watch this work. This work is recommended for those who want to be harassed.


The setting is the Age of Discovery. The Abyss, a gigantic, still-undiscovered vertical cavern, is called the last unexplored region of mankind. In a town built on the edge of the Abyss, there live “explorers” who explore the Abyss. There is a “curse” on the Abyss: if one attempts to ascend to the exit too quickly, he or she will be transformed into a non-human monster or die as blood spurts from the body. However, legend has it that in the depths lie hidden treasures that have never been seen before.


The main character “Rico” is a girl whose mother is a “White Flute” (a top level explorer). Her mother left for the bottom of the Abyss when she was two years old, and she has been living in the Bercello Orphanage ever since. One day, when she was being attacked by a demon, she was rescued by a robot boy named "Reg". he has lost his memory and does not know who he is. However, "Rico" senses that he is obviously from the depths of the Abyss and disguises "Reg" as a normal boy to hide him. Then, She sees a message from his mother sent from the Abyss (the depths of the Abyss). It says, “Wait for you at the bottom of the abyss. "Rico" decides to go to the depths of the Abyss with "Reg".

In the deep level, “Rico” and “Reg” are attacked by a demon, and “Rico” falls under the curse of the Abyss because he surged when escaping. Unable to save "Rico", who is bleeding from all over his body and dying, "Reg" cries for help. "Nanachi", who has become a monster due to the curse of the Abyss, appears in front of the two. "Nanachi" knows the true nature of the curse and heals "Riko" when she takes them to her place of residence. "Nanachi" lives with her former best friend, "Mitty", who has been cursed to lose her humanity and never die. "Nanachi" learns that "Rég"'s cremation gun (beam) is a weapon that can kill "Mitty", and asks him to kill her. After "Mitty's death", "Nanachi" accompanies them at the request of "Rico", who has recovered.

"Prushka” is the daughter of "Bombold" of the White Flute,’ the master of the Abyss 5th layer frontline base. She has no friends and wishes to travel with "Rico" and the others, but "Bomboldo", who has killed "Nanachi", "Mitty", and many other children in his cursed experiments, will not allow it. And to go below the fifth layer of the Abyss, one needed the sound of a white flute (which only the owner could play). ”Pruschka”, no longer human after being sacrificed by “Bombold” to ward off a curse, becomes the white flute of “Rico” and opens the way to the lower levels.

The mother of the main character “Rico”, “Liza”, is a white flute called “Lord Eradication”. After giving birth to “Rico” in Abyss, she went to the depths and has not been heard from since.

The mother of the main character “Rico”, “Liza”, is a white flute called “Lord Eradication”. After giving birth to “Rico” in Abyss, she went to the depths and has not been heard from since.

"Mitty" Nanachi's best friend. She is a girl who was cursed by the Abyss through the experiments of “Bondrudo” and became a human who became a monster due to the curse of the Abyss, losing her humanity and her body that cannot die.

The White Flute “Bondrud” known as “Lord Dawn speleologist.” He has sacrificed many children to study the curse of the Abyss. "Nanachi” and "Mitty" are his victims, and "Nanachi" hates him. He is the foster parent of “Purushka”.

"Fapta" is known as the “Princess of a human turned into a monster". She hates the inhabitants of the “Village of human turned into a monster” who survived by eating the children of her mother “Ilmuy”. However, she cannot enter the village because it is warded. She met “Reg” before he lost his memory, and he promised to do anything for her if she would allow him to enter the village.

■「イルミューイ」は「ファプタ 」の母親でもり、アビスの呪いによって巨大化して「成れ果ての村」となった。「成れ果ての村」の住人は彼女の体内に住み、村から出ると死んでしまう呪いにかかっている。
"Ilmuy” is also the mother of "Fapta." The curse of the Abyss caused her to grow to a gigantic size, and she became the ”Village of human turned into a monster". The inhabitants of the ”Village of human turned into a monster" live inside her body and are cursed to die if he leaves the village.

"Vueloelko", "Beraf", and "Wazcan" are residents of the "Village of human turned into a monster", and once came to this place with "Ilmuy" as part of the Abyss investigation team. Only "Vueloelko" has not been cursed by the Abyss and retains his human body, thanks to the blessing of "Ilmuy".

【メイドインアビス第一期(MADE IN ABYSS)1st Season opening】

【リコが毒で絶体絶命(Rico dies of a deadly poison.)】

【ナナチとミティーとボンドルド(Nanachi and Mitty and Bondorudo )】

【ミティーとの別れ(Farewell to Mitty)】

【劇場版深き魂の黎明 予告(THE MOVIE Dawn of the Deep Soul Trailer)】


【メイドインアビス第二期(MADE IN ABYSS)2st Season opening】

【成り果ての女王 ファプタ(Queen of Monsters Fapta)】

【ナナチとベラフ(Nanachi and Belaf)】

【アビスの地図(Abyss Map)】


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